terça-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2008

Wait till tomorrow, you'll be fine....


estou aqui, esperando a imobiliária ligar.... fizemos uma proposta indecente hoje.. hahahaha

Queremos mudar sábado, mas o Ale já quer invadir mesmo.... vamos ver o que acontece.....

Estou ouvindo Bones...
estou bem no refrão....
... don't you wanna come with me?
don't you wanna feel my bones on your bones?
it is only natural...

adoro parte 2!! hahahah

meu, e esses spams? não aguento mais spam de Viagra e enlargue o seu penis... aparentemente eu irei impressionar as ladies com os meus... atributos.... só por Deus viu?

E estou fazendo a boba para ganhar um Ipod da Elenice.. hahahah... quem sabe né?

Let's see what the future holds....

sexta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2008

Why you are being a dickhead for? Stop being a dickhead!

Boa tarde!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bom, aparentemente o ape vai sair de fato. Já mandamos o resto da documentação, comecei a cotar os carretos, ai ai.... vamos ver.....

Estou animada. Estou ansiosa. Estou feliz. Espero que dê tudo certo!

Estou ouvindo Kate Nash..... adoroooooo

Bom dia, Sol!

Cansei de sentir pena de mim mesma.... hoje acordei com um outro astral, quero seguir em frente sem deixar a peteca cair.....
Já ouviram o dito: Quando a vida te der limões, faça limonada?

Pois bem.... essa é a minha nova filosofia daqui para frente.....

Bom, quanto ao ape, a Ká vai mudar hoje, na segunda feira é a vistoria e a partir daí supostamente sairá o contrato.... mas a imobiliária ainda não conseguiu falar com a dona... ai ai, de quanto será o reajuste... bom, faço votos de que não sejE muito alto....

Bom, de qualquer forma, estão todos convidados para ir lá em casa beber um copo de limonada!

quinta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2008

Sick of rollercoasters...


it seems a long time since I posted.... perhaps because it actually does.... well, who cares?
All I know is that I'm sick of these life roller coasters.... at one time, everything seems to be great, you feel like you are on top of the world, and then, all of a sudden, you lose your grounds and reach a rock bottom faster than a blink.... when, something tells me that it is not over yet... we'll see... I'm calling life's bluff, the stakes at this point are way too high to back down....

Well, no news on the apartment so far, but everything seems to be going well.... in the housing situation I mean.... all the paperwork has been arranged and delivered, we are just waiting from the owner's green light...

At this moment I'm listening to Fidelity... and I've come to a conclusion.... I need to get laid.. LOL..... not a currently situation at the moment... unfortunetly....

I never loved nobody fully
Always one foot on the ground
And by protecting my heart truly
I got lost in the sounds
I hear in my mind
All these voices
I hear in my mind all these words
I hear in my mind all this music

And it breaks my heart
And it breaks my heart
And it breaks my heart
It breaks my heart

And suppose I never ever met you
Suppose we never fell in love
Suppose I never ever let you kiss me so sweet and so soft
Suppose I never ever saw you
Suppose we never ever called
Suppose I kept on singing love songs just to break my own fall
Just to break my fall
Just to break my fall
Break my fall
Break my fall
All my friends say that of course its gonna get better
Gonna get better
Better better better better
Better better better
I never love nobody fully
Always one foot on the ground
And by protecting by heart truly I got lost
In the sounds
I hear in my mind
All these voices
I hear in my mind all these words
I hear in my mind
All this music
And it breaks my heart
It breaks my heart
Breaks my
Breaks my heart I hear in my mind
All these voices
I hear in my mind all these words
I hear in my mind
All this music
And it breaks my heart
It breaks my heart
Breaks my
Breaks my heart
and it breaks my heart
it breaks my heart
and it breaks my heart
and it breaks my heart

Sorry for the post in english, but sometimes it just happens..... deal with it.